Posts and Provocations

  • How would you define courage?

    The Chambers dictionary definition of courage is

    The quality that enables people to meet danger without giving way to fear

    My definition would be

    Saying yes to something with no clear idea of how you will do it

    Doing something that you had never considered before

    Not being afraid to fail, because you know you won’t

    On our recent adventure in Botswana, we came across a lioness who was, singlehandedly, raising 8 cubs. Her sisters were killed when the babies were about 3 months old. Not only did she lose her sisters, but she also lost an eye and has a deep gash in her face still.

    So, in addition to her own twins, she suckled all 8. The cubs are now 6 months old and thriving- look at the photos.

    She represents all the elements of my definition.

    So what, what is the relevance for us at work?

    Take another look at my definitions and ask yourself did you rise to the challenges at work and if you did how did you celebrate your courage?